I’m Rebecca Kane.
I’m a holistic spiritual coach, trance channel, and intuition expert and trainer.
I teach people, like you, how to overcome self-doubt and fully trust themselves.
How do I know how to do this work so well?
Because I was the ABSOLUTE QUEEN of self-doubt.
It took twenty years, a ton of trial and error, and discovering that I was a medium, but I taught myself how to listen to my intuition and TRUST it.
I had SUCH a hard time making choices!
I would agonize over decisions (and drive my friends and family crazy with my endless pro and con lists) and still not be able to make a decision.
My indecisiveness and lack of trust in myself was SO bad, I agonized over what to order at restaurants!
I’m sure you know as well as I do that it’s EXHAUSTING to live life afraid that every decision could be the wrong one.
Right? (UGH!)
Then after I finally made a decision?
You would think the agony would be over, but oh no! I wasn’t done!
I would torture myself with compulsive thoughts of “Did I make the right choice?” and “What if I’m totally wrong?”
I tied myself in knots.
When I figured out how to just TRUST the wisdom that started coming through so clearly, wow. My life changed. And quickly.
Let’s get to you though.
Do you feel stuck on making the RIGHT decision?
Or do you avoid making big decisions and just keep doing the same thing every day secretly hoping someone will swoop in and make the decisions for you?
Do you think of yourself as a bad decision maker?
Or is it that you have no idea what you want in life (or feel like what you really want is impossible, so why bother…) so you don’t have anything to decide?
Man. I have so been there.
The trouble with this kind of decision paralysis is that life keeps on trucking along, but things don’t really get any better for you.
Do they?
Making decisions, making CHOICES based on what you think or know or feel is best for you, well that's what steers your life.
Otherwise, you’re just a boat sitting in the water, waiting for a wave to come and scoot you along.
And let’s be honest…
You deserve a better life than that.
Hell, you deserve an INCREDIBLE I-can’t-believe-this-is-my-life life.
How do you get there?
You learn to trust yourself FIRST.
When I started listening to my inner guidance, little things started to change.
I knew when to take cookies out of the oven even if the recipe said to keep them in longer.
I knew when my friends were going to cancel plans, and because I knew the cancellation was coming, I didn’t get upset about it.
I knew when a relationship wasn’t right for me—EARLY ON—so that I could respectfully exit before anyone got too attached or too hurt.
I knew when it was time to completely change my career direction in life.
I went from having a thriving dance fitness community to discover that I was a spiritual coach, a channel, a healer, and an intuition trainer.
At the time, I didn’t know what I needed to do next, but I KNEW that it wasn’t fitness.
Everyone around me could have said otherwise, but I trusted myself and it’s a good thing I did.
I see this kind of progression with my clients ALL THE TIME.
As we work together, they start to get very clear on what situations are good for them and which ones just aren’t.
When my clients first come to me they end nearly every statement with a defeated and frustrated “I don’t know… I just don’t know.”
Now when I ask them, “What do you want to do about X?” They have clear answers.
They can feel, hear, see, INTUIT what’s the right next step for them.
They know and they don’t waste time giving those people or situations the “benefit of the doubt” while they get raked over the coals in the meantime.
It’s so incredible to watch them become intuitively confident, decision-making ROCKSTARS!
Now listen.
It's not possible for me to do that intense one-on-one work with EVERYONE.
I know that.
In this course I CAN teach you what I teach my VIP clients:
- How to find YOUR strongest intuitive channel(s).
- How to get help from your guides.
- How to stop handing over your power to outside authorities.
- How to become the intuitive rockstar you've always secretly been!
That's exactly why I made this course.
To help YOU.
To empower YOU.
To get YOU connected to Spirit so you can get ON TRACK with what YOU want for YOUR LIFE.
Aren't you tired of knowing that your potential is huge, incredible, magical, beautiful!
But you're not doing anything with it.... *gah....*
If this is you, PLEASE, sign up for this course.
Let me coach you into trusting yourself first.
It costs less than what I charge for a single session.
You seriously cannot lose.
Now that you’ve got an idea of what’s in store for you, LET'S FREAKING GO!
There's no time to waste!
Sign up for the course so I can start teaching you what I know!
Your Instructor
Rebecca Kane is a holistic spiritual coach, a psychic medium, and an intuition expert and trainer. She helps women who are lost, frustrated, and disconnected from Source get back squarely in alignment and become their truest self. She launched her business, Capacity for Greatness, after realizing how much money, time, and potential was being wasted by the incredible women around her—all because they didn’t listen to their intuition or didn’t trust it enough to act on it.
When she’s not working, you can find Rebecca lounging in the sun on her floating home deck, writing personal development blog posts, obsessing over cooking shows and healthy recipes, or hiking through the woods with her dreamboat boyfriend.